08 February 2011

Anatomy of a Performance - Part 2

From Concept to Script to Stage
Moving forward....
Day 8 (January 25) I email the 4 Actors (all women), that we have in mind, asking them if they'd like to be part of the performance piece.
In the morning I call a former pastor's wife who had been mentioned by a couple of people. She enthusiastically tells me - when her husband became pastor of the church - it was a time (the 1970's) of innovation, creativity and changes to bring in what the church was lacking, namely, young people and families.

Day 9 (January 26) Two of the actors accept their roles.

Day 10 (January 27) One actor contacts me and is unable to commit due to another project, however, the other actor calls and gives me a yes. Three down and one to go.

Day 11 (January 28) I look through the church directory trying to figure out who would work well with the cast (look-wise, age-wise, and energy level) and fit the scene. I come across the picture of someone from my small group who had voiced interest in the arts. Perfect! I email her with an invitation to join the scene.
This actor calls me back with an enthusiastic yes.

Day 12 (January 30) I pick up a book, from the church's library, about the early years of the church written by a church member.

Day 13 (January 31) I read this book and write down any pertinent information. I get a great perspective of what it was like in the early years (which is strangely similar to what we're experiencing in present times!).

The journey continues.....

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