08 May 2008

ICRS 2007

 (originally posted July 19, 2007)

Well what can I say? It's been like a ghost town on this page and I profusely apologize. I have a good reason though. My book is out in print now and I've been running around like a chicken with it's head cut off trying to make a presence for this book everywhere.
Got back from the International Christian Retail Show (Atlanta, Georgia) last week. I felt like a kid in a candy store. Even met 2 authors I love - Michelle McKinney Hammond (in the lobby at the Ritz) and Stormie Omartian (casually walking around at the convention). What a treat! I had my own booksigning and felt like a princess. People were so incredibly warm and friendly. The publishing company I'm with, WinePress, had it all together - beautiful open booth, lots of wonderful staff there, etc. My hubby, was a major sweetie. He was not only supportive as a wonderful husband but he also did triple duty as my photographer and videographer, as well. Thanks, Sweetie Pie!
The Tuesday after we got back, I had a radio interview with a Christian station in Lapeer, Michigan (WMPC 1230 AM), with a wonderful interviewer, Greg Bullen. We talked for about 20 minutes about the book. He was very encouraging and I really enjoyed our chat.And thank you to Jesus, my friends and my family who love me and support me through my creative endeavors! You are what makes life worth living.

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